The selected photos above are objects I found around my condo that I felt represented me, as well as serve as interesting line work designs for this assignment.
The images above is the contour line art I created using Adobe Illustrator. All five of the renderings were created using different brushes, the first being with heavy stroke (5 pt.), the second with charcoal pen, third with light stroke (1 pt.), fourth with the fountain pen brush, and the fifth with rough marker.
The three images above were the three out of five I decided to render with colour. The reason I chose these three images were because They had enough negative space to work with and fill with colour in comparison to the other two, and had varieties of different line strokes to experiment with. For the headphones and yogurt cup, I wanted to experiment a bit with complimentary colours, with the headphones being blue and orange, while the yogurt cup was purple and yellow. In contrast to the difference in colours being used for the other two images, I decided to go more neutral with the shoes and add a splash of colour, pink, for emphasis on the laces.
Line & Contour

Line & Contour
